Join us - International Membership

Please complete this form if your school is located outside the UK. If you are a UK school, please complete this form

Your School

Main Contact (Clerk to the Governors)

The main contact will usually be the Clerk to the Governors (or equivalent) - and should be the person with whom we should discuss the application. Please use the title fields below to tell us your preferred naming conventions for the roles.

Details of the Head/Principal and Chair of Governors/Board

About your school

  Yes No

Inspection/Accreditation/Membership status

Additional Information

Please upload the following information (in pdf format):

  • A description of the nature of your current governance arrangements in as much detail as possible
  • If possible, a list of all Governors/Board Members - including the Chair - with names and emails, indicating their areas of experience and expertise and their connection to the school (e.g. as parent, alumna, etc)
  • Copy of the last inspection/accreditation report